I discovered a clever ballot counting system in Kansas City. They made a
booklet of 1x3 inch strips of paper, stapled together, with each car class
on a strip. Once the participants filled in the car numbers, the strips
were torn off and deposited in a container, one container for each class. A
thin board was hung between posts and all the boxes were attached to the
board. Participants walked down the line to deposit he ballots. Then, they
rounded up as many volunteers as needed to tally the ballots in the boxes.
I thought it so clever that we started using that system in Austin for the
Texas All British Car Day. We even improved on it to use different color
paper for each car class (some colors were duplicated) and the ballot boxes
are clear so that the colors show through. Granted this is a lot of up
front work, but the counting of ballots is simplified. I can send pictures
if interested.
Art Graves
1976 Triumph TR6
1985 Jaguar XJ6
Tulsa, OK
Suggested annual donation $11.47