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Re: [TR] 57 TR3 Finally on the road and a brake question

To: <>
Subject: Re: [TR] 57 TR3 Finally on the road and a brake question
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:18:30 -0700
> On another note, I tried last night to put the soft top on.B  I wasn't
> sure how
> to make it fit, so I tried attaching the top with the frame not fully
> erected
> and then tried to push it erect.B  Is that the right way to do it?

That's the way I always did mine, and it worked for me (before I moved to
SoCA and quit using a top <g>).  But don't put too much force into it, or as
you've discovered, something may break.  The vinyl tends to shrink with both
time and cold; then gradually stretch back out with heat and/or force

One trick that helps a lot in cold weather is to unfasten the rearmost bow
from the webbing and leave it loose.  Then you can leave that bow folded
forward while you get everything else into place, which will leave the top a
bit loose.  Once you are inside the car, reach over your head and push the
bow back, to pull the top tight.  As you drive and the top stretches, push
the bow back some more.

You must have at least two leaks somewhere, for the reservoir to be entirely
dry.  One leak might well be between the reservoir halves and so not obvious
without the other leak in either the clutch or the brakes.

If you can't find any traces of leaks elsewhere, you might try pulling the
rear drums and checking inside the boots for the wheel cylinders.  Sometimes
a slow leak there can go overlooked otherwise.

BTW, congratulations on getting back on the road!  I drove TS13571L to work
today, which always makes the day go better.

-- Randall 

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