That reminds me of one sunny Saturday morning at my local FLAPS, when I was
picking up a selection of car fluids. Outside, one of the salesmen was
trying to replace wiper blades on a customer's old, beater car. He came back
in side the store with one old blade to find replacements.
The customer, still outside,yelped as his locked car started to roll. Even
though the incline was not very much, the car mounted a kerb on the other
side of the two-row parking lot, then passed through a hedge and, as the
grass bank it was now rolling down got a little steeper, the car
accellerated to maybe 15 mph, rolled through a 4' highchain-link fence,
taking posts with it and bounced way in the air a few times over rough
ground and eventually stopped in thick brush. It was a bad moment for the
owner, but unapologetically, it was hilarious for the rest of us, especially
as no-one was in danger and the whole thing played out in slow-motion.
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 7:36 AM, <> wrote:
> In a message dated 3/23/2010 8:53:42 PM Central Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Because the parking brake was off and there was no safety switch for the
> > system, the dealership claims they have no responsibility for the damages
> > incurred. Both sides are awaiting word form their insurance firms."
> >
> > So - Does anybody think it is actually possible? Through a chain-link
> > fence in
> > idle? Hmmm... Cheap fence I suppose.
> >
> If it was a Toyota...
> Seriously, there's no word of terrain but if there was a mild incline
> involved, if the car was in a higher gear and there was sufficient distance
> for
> the car to attain, say 15 - 20 MPH, I doubt a chain link fence would hold
> it
> back. The fence was most probably intended to keep pedestrians out.
> Remote starter on a manual transmission. Whoever installed it probably
> bypassed the clutch interlock.
> Dave
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