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Re: [TR] TR3 Clutch Won't Bleed

To: "Geo Hahn" <>, "Triumphs"
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 Clutch Won't Bleed
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 17:14:20 -0800
Two possibilities come to mind, you've probably thought of them both, but 
sometimes the obvious.. well, isn't. One, the bleed valve is buggered up, 
did you try pumping with it removed entirely? And two, the reservoir has a 
lot of sediment stuff blocking the line. When I convereted to silicone, 
there was so much congealed brake fluid in the reservoir, I had to remove 
the reservoir to clean it out.  Just some thoughts.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Geo Hahn" <>
To: "Triumphs" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 3:54 PM
Subject: [TR] TR3 Clutch Won't Bleed

> For years I have read posts about problems bleeding the clutch and
> have been mystified how this could be as it always worked fine for me.
> Until now.
> It started as a routine adjustment check and bleed -- but it wouldn't pump 
> up.
> I have now replaced everything rubber (MC rebuild kit, Slave rebuild
> kit & hose) and still I get the dead pedal, no fluid pumping.
> I have tried bleeding it with the slave dangling rather than mounted.
> Can it be that there is air in that bit of hard line from the
> reservoir to the MC that will not move on?
> I have never done a bench-bleed -- could that be needed?  Would
> undoing the inlet and outlet pipes on the MC and use eye-dropper to
> fill the cylinder make sense.
> I did rig up a pressure cap for the reservoir and introduced about 10#
> of air pressure, no joy.
> What's really frustrating is that at one point (after the new hose and
> MC seals) I had it working but was getting a tiny leak from the slave
> and that is when I decided to go ahead and redo it too.  Now I'm back
> to nada.
> Failing a solution I'll take any rationale that blames my wife (though
> she has been a real good sport spending way too much time in the
> drivers seat doing the pedal work).
> Thanks for any help.
> Geo

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