Happy Holidays!
I would like to take this time (because I'm at a library
computor for this month's readings) to wish ALL of you members & the TRIUMPH
community Happy Holidays (because some may NOT be celebrating Christmas)& a
prosperous New Year!
I've met some GREAT people in my travels this year, &
have (UNFORTUNATELY) have misplaced many of the addresses that I have received
from you all. So, I would greatly appreciate it if you would send me your
E-mail/snail mail/phone# for me to place in my TRIUMPH phone book!
If you
wish to phone me at my home # 716-438-3769 (remember that I'm NOT on line at
home), I can then receive the your number (from you) & phone you right back.
1. I don't have the answering machine working, so you'll have to
speak to me.
2. If you phone me & I'm not home at that time, then you won't
have to pay long distance charges to speak to a machine.
Thanks & sorry for
the disruption in you list conversations.
BTW-FYI: I've sent my 'TR4/A E-mail
manual' to VTR so they could distribute it to anyone who wishes it. The
'manual' consists of anything, that has been discussed on this list in the
past 10 yr., related to the TR4 & TR4A car. It is broken down as the Moss
Motor's catalog is, & then broken down further in to other finer topics that
relate to that folder. I also have placed other manuals that I have obtained
off the inter-net (like the 'A-type OD', Haynes, ect.), that other people may
have not had a chance to download because of lack of knowledge of knowing that
it is on the inter-net. OR You can phone me or E-mail me to obtain one. I
would like to be reimbursed for the cost of mailing & for the blank CD's that
I have purchased.
Again, The best wishes to ALL!
-Cosmo Kramer
Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html
This list supported in part by the Vintage Triumph Register