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Re: [TR] Electrical &/or Mechanical Fuel Pumps

Subject: Re: [TR] Electrical &/or Mechanical Fuel Pumps
From: Bob <>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 08:00:31 -0400
On Tuesday 13 October 2009 06:02:54 am Cosmo Kramer wrote:
> Hi List!
> I just got back on the digest list  after being off of it since July
> '07, so Hi to EVERYONE!
> I have a question about installing an electric fuel
> pump into my TR4A. I have had some people's input, but I'm still in
> question on this topic.
> I had trouble when driving out to VTR'09 & I belief it was
> some form of 'vapor lock'? Now, I don't know if the Ethanol gas was the
> cause on the manual diaphragm's failure, was a factor in lowering the
> boiling point of the gas to increase the chance of getting 'vapor lock', or
> a combination of both?Though I'm reluctant to install an Electric Fuel Pump
> (EFP), I'm thinking that if I had one installed, then I may not have had
> the fuel problems that I did. (A long story & would be willing to send you
> my story as I have written in my daily journal when I arrive home on
> 10-20-2009. E-mail me off the list if you want it.)
> What's the condenses of the lst on this:
> 1. To install an
> EFP or not?


I have  the Facet EFP on both my 3 and 4 and there will be one on my 6 
project. Mounted on the back of the trunk just to the left of the fuel tank 
outlet. Regulator mounted on a plate bolted to where the original fuel pump 
bolted to the block. Fuel filters before the pump and before the regulator.
4 seasons on the 4 and 2 on  the 3 with no fuel delivery problems at all.

> 2. To install the EFP only or with the Manual Fuel Pump, too?

EFP only.
> 3.
> IF I do have BOTH fuel pumps installed, then should they be in series or
> parallel.
Why bother with the manual pump unless you want to maintain originality.
> 4. How would you advise the installation should be if in:
> A. Series?
> B. Parallel?
> I already have a stop cock right AFTERthe fuel cell & another
> one BEFOREthe Manual Fuel Pump. So take the routing from the stop cock
> after the fuel cell to the carb'sfloat bowels.

I have heard it is best to install the pump closest to the fuel tank or cell 
in your case.


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