A note to Jeff Krupp, newsletter editor for TRA or Mike Cook, newsletter
editor for VTR should get results.
Jeff is at _jkrupp@wowway.com_ (mailto:jkrupp@wowway.com) Mike is at
_mcook@vtr.org_ (mailto:mcook@vtr.org)
Lou Metelko
Auburn, Indiana
54 TR2LD
In a message dated 9/20/2009 3:51:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
jmwagner@greenheart.com writes:
Does anyone have a good black and white (preferably no color added),
flat graphic image of the Triumph World logo? (i.e. not a hubcap photo,
not a photo taken at an angle, etc.) I know I've seen it in the
literature somewhere, but I don't recall where.
Example Triumph World Logo (This one is a photo of a decal, I'd prefer
an original graphic.)
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