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Re: [TR] tool storage

To: "triumphs list" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] tool storage
From: "Tomislav Marincic" <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:07:30 -0400

Can I hazard a guess that you are retired?

I have a job, house, yard, mortgage, kid, wife, 2 dogs, and several needy 
motorized vehicles. Right now there are 5 12-year-old boys playing Super Mario 
Smash in my living room, after a sleep-over party. I just cooked them bacon and 

I'm sure it's better to put away the tools and wipe them down and make sure all 
the Posidrives are pointed at Mecca. But if I lived by your maxim "if you don't 
have time to clean up afterwards, you don't have time for the job", then I 
wouldn't have time for the job. Period. I grab 30 minutes here and there when I 
can get them, and consider myself fortunate to be able to.  I look forward to 
the day when I have enough time to be more organized.

Cheers, Tom

"My box is
highly organized, with phillips screwdrivers facing one direction and slotted
the other, in a drawer labeled 'screwdrivers'. In there as well are Torx,
offsets, stubbies, jewelers, etc. Socket drawer has = in drive, 3/8 in drive,
< in drive, deep well, metric, standard, etc. I have had countless youths,
both male and female, help me in my shop, hang out, and learn on their own
cars so being able to tell them exactly in which drawer they can locate that
#2 phillips is important. My grandchildren are now learning the drawers and
the difference between a box end and an open end, and why they are each
important. Also, at the end of each job, the tools are wiped down and put
away in their exact positions. This cleaning time offers reflection on a job,
usually completed successfully, and good conversation. I have always
instructed that, "if you don't have time to clean up afterwards, you don't
have time for the job". ..
Dallas, Tx

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