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Re: [TR] Gas smell in garage

Subject: Re: [TR] Gas smell in garage
From: Pat Fischer <>
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 17:46:27 -0500
Sorry if this is a repeat. I think I missed the start of this discussion.

My 250 has about 4" of thin hose between the fuel line under the car and 
the gas tank. Allows for the flexibility of the car's movement I guess. 
Twice in my many years of ownership I've had to replace that small 
rubber hose due to leaking. It can leak at just the rate of evaporation 
at first, so there's no puddle or drip.

Years ago, one very long night, I awoke smelling gas. My bedroom is 
above the garage. Got dressed and looked under the TR and under the 
hood. No drip. Backed the Honda out of the garage, aired the place out, 
then back to bed. An hour later, more gas smell. Pushed the riding lawn 
mower and the snow blower out. Back to bed. An hour later, more gas 
smell. Pushed the TR out - and set out anything, like gas cans with fuel 
in it. The next day after work there was finally a few spots of gas on 
the drive under the TR. It made for a very memorable night. On the other 
hand, the house didn't burn down.

That's called stealth fluif.

Pat wrote:
> Also had that with my TR4, in trunk and Garage! Fix was simple-put folded 
>saran wrap under gas cap as I closed it- has worked for years now! Problem is 
>the 'seal' on the new in 2000 Moss cap is tight enuf to keep liquid in, but 
>not for 'vapors'! Don't have a vent on my tank (original tank) at all!
> Sherman D Taffel
> Columbia MD
> Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
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