just some thoughts to further confuse.LOL
I'm wondering about the "dimple"
near the door handle. some times on the outer edge of a panel where there's a
curve...........a dent there will cause the oil can effect to happen on
metal on beside the dimple. It's like the dent holds the oil can in stress.
maybe removing that "dimple" by hammer from inside will release the larger
area............helping to remove the "oil can". I'm not sure how large the
oil can is...............
I had the same thing on my tr-3 on the "saddle" in
front of the boot lid area. That "oil can dent" was about the size of a small
dinner plate. I used an old well worn grinding wheel to build heat and it did
bring the metal out and solid although not to the original shape. It was
close enough and solid and i"ll finish off with a skim of bondo.
gary n.
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