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[TR] TTA Picnic in Burlington, IL

To: "Triumphs List" <>
Subject: [TR] TTA Picnic in Burlington, IL
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 17:41:00 -0500
Just got back from a very pleasant afternoon at ISOA's picnic in Burlington,
in honor of JohnMac and the TTA.  What a great afternoon - some fine looking
cars (including a Triumph Renown in what looked like fairly original
condition), lots of TRs of course, a smattering of MGs (including one of my
favorite cars, a Magnette ZB (I think - it could have been a ZA), a couple of
Loti, and a few other odds and sods.  The food was good, I met some nice
people and was encouraged to join ISOA, and I got to shake JohnMac's hand and
wish him luck.  And, of course, a great perfromance by the greatest garage
band in the world, the Spinal Tappets!  Definitely an 11 in my book.

John's stag was superbly restored - the ISOA guys did a wonderful job and it
has run over 7,000 miles since the rebuild with few problems.  John is a great
speaker and is obviously a great advocate for the PTSD cause.  If any of you
get the chance to attend similar events, I encourage you to do so.  You will
witness a little bit of Triumph history.

Michael Marr
1960 TR3A
2000 Jag XK8
Plainfield, IL

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