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Re: [TR] oil pressure gizmo

To: "'list Triumph'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] oil pressure gizmo
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2008 21:41:14 -0700
>  By now, engines proably come with such a device.  But is 
> there a gizmo that shuts the engine off

There are such things, but they are rarely (if ever) found on cars.  Usually
found on "stationary" engines that run without human supervision, like air
compressors and such.

> (or blinks a red light)

Practically all modern cars have a red light for no oil pressure (generally
instead of a gauge).

> Anything like this for a TRactor Motor?

I don't know of anyone selling a kit specifically for the TR2-4, but you
could add one yourself, if you like.  Easiest, IMO, would be to drill and
tap the oil filter head in a strategic spot for a standard oil pressure
light sender (as found, for example, on TR250 and early TR6).  1/8" NPT
IIRC.  Then mount and wire up a suitable red light, with power from the
ignition switch and grounded through the switch.


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