Hi All-
Ibve been on thelist now for almost 20 years.Geez, thisages me, but then, I
was only 19 when I joinedb& ;)I started my Triumph ownership with a79 1500
that I bought when I was 16.I purchased a few others since then, andstill own
a 72 MKIV, and the subject of this email, a 68 (or 69) GT6+.
Ibve decided that I have had it too long (12 years), and Iwill not be able
to ever build it up.Ihave moved it across the country and itbs now just
taking up space in thegarage.Ibd rather not list it out on eBay,since the
list has always been the place for me (in fact, I bought most of iton the
listb&) So, what I would like to do is to not piece it out, it will go asa
whole lot.Youbll obviously need aflatbed to get it all home, and I live in
Oregon, nice and convenient foreveryoneb&.Will I miss it?Yes.Istill have my
72 MKIV, but Ibll miss having the 6 in the garage, and itbs timeto let it
go.Besides, Ibm probably movingto China, and I canbt bring it with me...
Itbs a project car, but a good project car.A lot of the crappy work has
already beendone- youbre working with a very decent base on this car.The
parts youbll be buying are the partsyoubd buy anyways, all the
replenishables, the brake lines, redobing thehydraulics, new seats, etc.
I have a writeup of it at: http://redracecar.blogspot.com and the pics are
the pics, the colour balance on the camera is off.What looks like rust on the
body pics is notrust, itbs dust, with a 'd'.The flashpictures show the
accurate silver colour.It really looks rattier in the pics than it is in
reality, I was kind ofbummed with the pics. There is one pic that Joe Curry
will like, though it's not on the car... ;)
The price?1500$Make me an offer, It needs a new home. Questions, call or email
Greg Tobin (Portland, OR)
Greg Tobin
Mirano Consulting
Cell: 719.237.9533
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