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Re: [TR] BOOK: 'More BS About TR's'

To: "'list Triumph'" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] BOOK: 'More BS About TR's'
From: "Geo & Kathleen Hahn" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 16:18:13 -0700
I first met Bob more than 20 years ago when he drove across country from AZ 
to OH to attend the TRA National.  He drove the distance in his TR3A pulling 
his TRailer (made out of the back half of a TR3).  As I recall he had cut a 
large hole in the 3's grill to improve air flow to the radiator and oil 
cooler -- doing the modification roadside somewhere in Texas (it was a hot 

He also did some tech sessions at that TRA including one on overheating from 
which I took away many ideas that I still use now that I am in the desert.

Before we had the internet and great lists like this, it was guys like Bob 
who did a lot to keep the hobby alive.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "FRED E THOMAS" <>
To: "wbeech" <>; "'dorpaul'" <>; "'list 
Triumph'" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: [TR] BOOK: 'More BS About TR's'

> Bob Schaller passed away a few years back.  "FT" 

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