To All,
I was the originator of the original question about using locktite. The
reason that I asked was that there wasn't any locking tabs or lock washers in
place when the flywheel was removed, just four bolts. I have looked in the
Bentley Manual, the Haynes manual, TRF's red book, Moss's catalog and Victoria
British's catalog and none of them show anything but four bolts holding the
flywheel to the crankshaft. No other locking mechanisms are shown. I just
wondered if it would be prudent to use locktite in this situation and if so Red
or Blue. This is for a rebuild of a TR250 motor.
John Maneke
CD3416 wrote:
Maybe I am missing something. Are you guys assembling the flywheel without
lock tabs? I don't understand what Locktite is going to do for a properly
torqued bolt with a properly installed lock tab.
David Lylis
69 TR6 CC26160L
60 TR3A TS74461LO
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