Several years ago, I attended the dedication of the TR Memorial.
I was privileged to be asked to navigate for a driver in the Macmillan
Parliamentary Classic Car Rally. It was a memorable experience as I was able
meet some MP's, had tea in the MPs tearoom, listen to a brief presentation
about the value of the Macmillan Fund, and manage to make a fawning fool of
myself for half an hour with Sir Sterling Moss.
Of all the things I remember about that fabulous time was how much money we
raised. The driver and I raised a few thouand. It was very easy. I just asked
people to sponsor me at the rate of a cent a miles or so. (I had several
subcontractors working for me, and they were exceptionally easy!)
I didn't realize we were supposed to raise money until a couple of days
before the rally. All sorts of cars attended, as well as an antique bus. They
came to the Parliamentary Palace in London from all over England, Scotland,
and Wales. We parked in the MP's parking spots as it was a Sunday.
As I recall there was a pretty large 6 digit amount raised and given to the
fund. We had free tea and biscuits, and listened to an inspiring message from
a cancer victim about how much the Macmillan fund meant to her.
This experience prompted me to do volunteer work for a charity car show
every year (7 years now) which raises a lot of money for United Way.
I just attended a very nice show last weekend which donated $2000 to a fund.
With 165 cars there, if people had collected ahead of time "sponsors" (in my
experience very easy) I can see where that amount could have been way
significant, like $16,500.
Pebble Beach this year was $250 a head (for charity also). I can imagine at
$250 a head, that show could have turned over $41,000 plus.
I will never criticize what people do supporting charities as I respect any
one who does, and I'm ok with those who say no, its going to waste.
Undoubtedly some amount does. I just really get turned on by a serious
charity effort
associated with cars. I think its a powerful combination which not only does
good for the charity, but also for the hobby.
I would love to hear about the proposal.It sounds like a noble effort. I'd
like to see a big goal, significant to the recipient.
Thanks, Mike Moore
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