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Re: [TR] Push or pull

To: "John Macartney" <>, "Nolan"
Subject: Re: [TR] Push or pull
From: "Michael Marr" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:35:18 -0500

I can only speak for myself, but the list would be a lesser resource without 
your insights.  I believe you are the only list member that was actively 
involved (albeit primarily from the sales end) in the production of these 
cars and I have found you to be a veritable fount of knowledge and lore 
about the cars that we all love.  I am not sure where Nolan discerned 
"attitude" in your original note, nor did I find your reply to be 
provocative or offensive.  Maybe Nolan is having a bad day.  Anyway, stay 
subscribed, please!


>> >More coolant, more tubes, more fins but using current radiator
>>>manufacturing materials and techniques in preference to those of the
>>>1960's. That's how we use the inferred term *state of the art* in the UK.
>>>thought that was how it would be interpreted elsewhere. Obviously I was
> Nolan replied
>> That would be the attitude I was referring to.
>> I'd say best of luck to you, but with the way to act, to hell with you.
> The absence of smileys and/or emoticons in the last line leaves me feeling
> rather puzzled. If this is a majority feeling of the list, I'm quite 
> willing
> to unsubscribe - or would someone please tell me where my *attitude* is 
> seen
> or perceived as offensive? At no time in my submissions did I ever query
> anyone's logic of whether it was better to push or pull - but to merely 
> put
> a point of view which anyone can challenge.

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