On Sunday 21 October 2007 06:25 pm, 60TR3A wrote:
> After a lot of good advice I have the fan extension off and replaced
> with a Fan elimination kit from Rick Patten at TBI Conversions
> http://www.Sidedrafttbi.com (NFI). I was successful after heating up
> the dog bolt with a propane torch & then using a 1 1/8' socket with
> my electric impact wrench!
> I can send out a picture of the installed fan eliminator to anyone
> who is interested in seeing it.
> Again thanks for the help
> John
> John A. Wise
> Glendale, AZ
I have always use my air impact wrench with about 120 #/sq in on full torque.
Bolt always comes right off.
Both the 3 and 4 have the later 4 std fan. No overheating even this year with
a hotter than normal summer. Std original radiators, std water pump. 50 / 50
mix distiled water and anti-freeze and 165 thermostat (TRF).
The 3 actually runs a bit cooler than the 4 eventhough it has the radiator
with the starter hole.
Both engines have 87mm + H6 SU's.
I have always wondered why the need to convert to electric fans. I guess there
will be a small HP gain, maybe better overall cooling but for me since I only
put about 1 grand one each car a year I cant justify the extra work, $ etc.
Although I only drive about 3 miles to work each day, I cannot and will not
drive either 3 or the 4 to work. About a month ago, my junior employee had
her 350z dented in the parking lot by a F150. Driven by a 18 year old goof
that really cant park very well.
So I drive either the bike (also a Triumph) or the POS vue to work. The 3 and
4 are for car hops, sunday drives on back roads and the ocasional wedding
etc. I still have 2 daughters to go!
BTW if anyone wants to take a look at the wedding photos with the car, take a
look at the following link:
There are over 260 pictures, but on the 1st page are the photos with my
daughter, new husband and the 63 TR4.
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