>Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:03:47 -0500
>To: Chris Buckley <chris.buckley51@yahoo.co.uk>,Peter Arakelian
>From: "Jack W. Drews" <vinttr4@geneseo.net>
>Subject: Re: [TR] TR4A missing AGAIN!
>You may have a carb problem. I had a really strange one that took a
>year to diagnose, with HS6 SU carbs. Mine got so bad that it
>wouldn't pull itself around the block, My symptoms were different,
>but at least it is something for you to look at.
>What kind of carbs are on your car?
>In case you or anyone else has a problem like this, mine turned out
>to be the jet tubes to the carburetors. On HS6's, the line from the
>float bowl to the jet tube is covered with a tightly wound spring. I
>think the purpose of the spring is to prevent the plastic tube
>inside from kinking. Well, something changed in the manufacture of
>those parts, and the plastic line will kink. You can't see this
>unless you remove the jet tube and line, remove the spring, and bend
>the tube the same way it was bent on the car. In addition to the
>fault being hidden, it doesn't show up immediately on new parts.
>This happened on two of my cars, on about three sets of jet tubes in
>a row. Maddening to diagnose. The car will run for awhile at low
>rpm, because just enough gas gets through to sustain it.
>I solved the problem by purchasing jet tubes from British Parts
>Northwest, which look inferior but in real life are better, because
>they eliminate this problem. With that part, the tube is a rather
>stiff rubber hose and it doesn't kink. The ends are plastic fittings
>with a barb on them. Not trusting just a barb in a rubber hose, I
>safety wire them.
>At 11:13 PM 10/4/2007, you wrote:
>>Dear long suffering Listers,
>> We just arrived back from the Nairobi Concours proudly carrying
>> 3 prizes, none of which was for firing on 4 cylinders....
>> After about 10miles from home the trouble started and we ended
>> up driving the whole way firing on 3. (No 2 was not firing, very
>> wet with unburnt fuel but No 1 plug looked right).
>> TIA,
>> Chris Buckley
>> For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit Yahoo! For Good
>> this month.
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>uncle jack
uncle jack
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