On 15 Aug 2007 at 22:28, Paul Dorsey wrote:
> The homegrown auto-electrician who rebuilt starters, generators, etc.
> the 60's to present) told me how 'dependable' Lucas starters were. I'm
> conflicted...please enlighten me...um, encandle me?
Well, the starter in my Spitfire has been working fine for 20 years.
Of course, I use it only a few seconds each time I drive the car.
On the other hand, my Fiats had starter problems. As did my Porsche.
Jim Muller
You raise a good point, Jim. I've just replaced the starter on my Lexus,
its not long since I shelled-out on one for our Chrysler. Both are mere
babes compared to my TR4 (45 years-old next month) which is still running
its original equipment: starter, generator, loom, and light fittings some
87,000 miles later.
Jokes aside about the Prince of Darkness, Lucas operated throughout the
last century supplying equipment to aircraft manufacturers (civilian and
military) as well as automotive manufacturers. The quality of components
required by automotive manufacturers was probably determined by the cost
stipulations of companies like Triumph. Auto manufacturers demanded low
cost parts, with ramifications on quality. Its is probably not an
unreasonable assumption that the quality, rather than cost, was a key
consideration in aircraft. Lucas met the needs of both industries.
My observation, and its not limited to Lucas, is that if you experience
electrical difficulties, suspect a poor ground before expending any effort
seeking other solutions. If grounding is the issue, it is often a concern
of assembly as much as componentry.
The American joke about Lucas making refrigerators being the reason why us
Brits drink warm beer (actually it's cellar temperature, around 55 Degs
Fahrenheit), always makes me smile. It reminds me that, unlike American
beer, British Ale needn't be chilled to the point of freezing in order to
hold it in your mouth long enough to swallow it.
Brian Jones
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