I converted my TR4 to a Delco alternator a couple of years ago. All
has been well with it except having to rev the engine to get the
alterator to kick in when it is first started. Previous posts
suggested installing a 10 ohm, 10 watt resistor across the ignition
lamp to get the unit to kick in at lower RPMs. Well I did that
yesterday, and the lamp now goes out very quickly after start-up, but
the engine continues running when I turn off the ignition switch. I
can get it to die by blipping the throttle a couple of times.
What I THINK is happening is the resistor is allowing a little current
from the alternator to flow back to the coil when I turn off the
ignition switch, which is allowing the engine to continue to run at
low RPMs. I seem to recall reading about this problem on some hot
rodder sites when I was researching the swap, but I can't track down
that information now.
Any suggestions on how I can resolve this? I like the earlier kick-
in, but being able to turn the engine off is a higher priority ; ^ )
Dean Mericas
1965 TR4 (CT37089L)
1974 Alfa 2000 GTV (which currently won't START)
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