Jim Muller wrote:
> Hows about telling us whose pictures and whose cars they are?
The Inca Spitfire on UK licence plates belongs to Tony Chapman, Banbury, UK.
I took the pic myself during the Standard-Triumph Centenary Run which I
organised in June 2003. If you look carefully at the background, Tony (and
all the other entrants) were in a nose to tail queue in a country lane owing
to a Standard Ten (Triumph Ten) at the very front losing all its sparks from
a duff condenser. This was quickly diagnosed, repaired - and the better part
of 30 assorted Standards and Triumphs - both pre and post war set off in a
long convoy towards a picnic lunch. The route itself followed all the old UK
test hills used by manufacturers and the motoring press between 1910 and
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