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RE: [TR] Car shows and trailer queeens

Subject: RE: [TR] Car shows and trailer queeens
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2007 07:56:51 -0700
"Mark J. Bradakis" <> wrote:

"...check out the picture of the sign one of my Spits..."

I have a sign I printed at home, laminated it, and put it on the
windscreen of my TR3 (driver) at local shows and cruises. It reads "Go
ahead CAN touch this one!".

I have a lot of takers. Last summer a cute little college girl (I live
in Athens, GA...home of UGA) saw the car from across the lot at a
cruise...I had already spied her :) She stopped and mouthed "T R 3".
She walked over and spent the next 30 minutes drinking in every last
detail of the car...her first stop was under the bonnet! Seems her
"Daddy" made her sell her TR4 that she had driven all through high
school because he feared "it wouldn't be dependable enough" when she
went away to school. She hadn't replaced it. I suggested she have a
heart-to-heart with Daddy, explaining to him that we have a local group
that with just a phone call will give a push, tow, or helping hand to
any LBC that breaks down; not to mention that the car would likely
retain it's value if she maintained it well. NOTE - she did ALL of her
preventative maintenance and light repairs on her TR4; I quizzed her a
bit and she know her stuff.

Her last stop was behind the wheel; she made a couple varoom noises, did
some imaginary shifting, and grinned from ear-to-ear. Made my day!


Ray McCaleb

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