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Re: [TR] weather

To: "fred thomas" <>
Subject: Re: [TR] weather
From: "Kurtis J." <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2007 16:53:57 -0600
On 1/6/07, fred thomas <> wrote:
> O/K Randall and Terri S., weather here in No. Virginia is sunny just a tiny
> bit of wind and over 70, should hit 76 by sunset they say, my car is up on
> jack stands,  she said last week, "why not put it up for the season" as always
> "YES DEAR", so I guess you both can have a good laugh on me & N.V. weather.
> "FT"

The cold is never a problem for me.  I'll drive my car in sub-freezing
weather - top down.  My problem is that I have to make a decision
about which car to put in the basement each December before the
backyard (north side of the house - no sun) gets too wet and soft to
drive through.  This year I've got the TR4 in the basement, so I won't
be driving it until next spring. :(

Oh well... I did get the Sprite out today.  We haven't seen
temperatures in the 70's in a while, but the sun is out!

Kurtis Jones
Russellville, Arkansas
1963 TR4 - CT19389L
1959 AH Bugeye - AN5L23250

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