Well my thread about getting a modern car has run its course.
These things really get off on tangents. I think that it ended up
with unions & short sighted US car makers.
Without admitting guilt or mental illness, I have been driving
a modern car for the last few months. I bought a low miles, all
original, enthusiast maintained Mercedes 300 turbo diesel wagon. It
is a 1985, which makes it the last car MB built that was owner
repairable. I love the barn door sunroof, the comfort, the working
heater and the way it feels as I drive it. I even enjoy doing the
minor maintenance. My kids nicknamed it "Clanky". I named it Coeur de
Fer (Heart of iron).
My commute to my new job (Burt Rutan & Scaled Composites!)
takes me at high freeway speeds with icy roads and crazy drivers. I
feel much safer in the Merc than I was feeling in my Mini Cooper
(1974) or my TR3A. They can wait until spring.
I still want an Elise!
Bill Brewer
Tehachapi, CA
Clanking on into the future
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