I guess everyone figured that the subject was dead since I haven't posted
anything on it recently.
Far from that, I am in the final stages of negotiations with the vendor.
I have decided to do a quantity of 100 units to get the best price.
However, I cannot divide them up between bumper bar badges and the grill
badges so I have decided to do all of them for the grill and include a kit
to mount it on the badge bar.
It will not be a flimsy mounting affair and will attach to the bar as firmly
as one strictly made for that application. It will add slightly to the cost
of each unit but the quantity savings will offset the cost.
I am telling you all this because the people who have committed to buying
the things based on my having strictly bar mounted badges may want to opt
Anyone who does want to cancel their commitment please let me know right
away so that I can have the full picture before I spring for the funds to
get the project started.
The 100 quantity will leave a few extras for people who didn't commit but
want to get in on it. Anyone falling into that category also let me know.
A description of what I am doing is as follows:
The image will be the same as the window decals I have done (Triumph Globe
surrounded by the list name and address). See the bottom of this link for a
jpg image: http://members.cox.net/spitlist/centercaps.html The gray
portions will be in chrome with the red, blue and black filled with a raised
baked enamel high l\gloss finish.
On the back will be 2 threaded posts 1 inch long placed vertically 1 inch
apart. The bar mount attachment will be a flat plate of 1/8" mild steel
laser cut with a tab at the bottom in a standard 2 hole bar mount. It can
be used as a backing behind the grill as well for a very solid mount. The
plates will be painted black but some (this means you, Fred) will likely opt
to powder coat it.
Best regards,
Joe Curry
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