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[TR] Looking for pictures of TR4A carb linkage

Subject: [TR] Looking for pictures of TR4A carb linkage
From: Donald Mostrom <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 15:10:54 -0700 (PDT)
I finally have a set of SU HS6 carburetors for my TR4, and have obtained most 
of the TR4A linkage from Moss Europe. Now the trick is to put it all together. 
Would a couple of you nice TR4A owners out there send me a digital picture of 
the linkage and choke attachments on your TR4A with HS6 carbs (hopefully with 
the air cleaners removed)? These would help to substanially reduce the verbal 
pollution in my garage as I attempt to get my TR4 back on the road.
  Don Mostrom
  1964 TR4

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