Oliver, I'm a firm believer that you get to paint your car whatever
color you want; you're the one who has to love it, not any other Triumph
owner or judge!
If you find yourself not liking powder blue "right now", then you may
well not like it later, so my advice would be to pick a different color
you do like right now. With a well-done paint job almost any color
looks great on these cars, and this is a choice that's reasonably
difficult to undo (as I'm sure you know!).
I wouldn't worry about the effect of color choice on originality - only
exception being if you did want to enter concourse competition of
course, which you're not worried about. Like I said, it's your car.
I also am hesitating over color for own 57 TR3; like you, I already own
the tan interior, and like you I am evaluating different shades of blue.
I like the Salvador blue as well, based on the one photo I have seen.
The Winchester blue is harder to make out based on the one photo I
have of it - it was described to me by another TR owner as "like a 70s
Suburban", which I think I can picture and am not wild about. I've also
seen a really great shade of midnight blue on a local TR8 that I may end
up copying; I believe it's an original TR8 color. Or I may forget blue
and go "arrest-me yellow" (Ferrari, Corvette, Nissan Xterra) but I doubt
my wife would like that.
Trouble for me is, there are very few colors I've seen on the cars that
I don't like!
I've got TS15098L (small mouth, disc brakes) in my garage, manufactured
3 January 1957. Sounds like yours may be close if you're evaluating
1956 and 1957 colors?
My two cents' worth anyway ...
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