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RE: [TR] WTB Inner tie rod TR3A

To: "Art McEwen" <>, <>
Subject: RE: [TR] WTB Inner tie rod TR3A
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 18:45:44 -0700
> A fender bender seems to have caused the inner tie rod to pop the
> knuckle out of it's internal cup and it will no longer tighten (the stud
> turns with the nut),  however as the set has less then 1,000 miles on
> them it seems a shame to buy a whole set when all I need is 1 end of one
> side.

I don't understand the problem, Art.  TRF sells individual tie rod ends, and
they're even on sale for 1/2 price this month.  110466 or 110467, depending
on right or left.

> BTW just how tight should the silent block bushings be in the steering
> arm?  The old ones had to be pressed out but the accident jolt seems to
> have knocked the new one partially through housing on the arm (same side
> as the buggered tie rod), and I had no problem poping it out again.
> Visually both the steering arm and the block appear fine (no cracks or
> obvious out of round), so for now I've reassembled them.

Sounds wrong to me.  I wonder if the whole silentbloc really came out of the
center link, or if you were just seeing the center pin pulled out of the
silentbloc itself.

Either way, I would replace it immediately.  If it popped out that easy, it
could pop out again while you're driving.  There is supposed to be a
fail-safe on top of the center pin that keeps the silentbloc from pulling
through the center link, but your description sounds like it is missing.

I'd also be looking for anything else that is bent.  Dropping a tie rod can
be a life-changing experience, and the change may not be for the better.


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