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[TR] (no subject)

To: <>, <>
Subject: [TR] (no subject)
From: "scottpaisley" <>
Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 04:33:45 -0700
Harry wrote:

> Basically the same O/D but with a couple of minor 
> differences, one of the being the speedometer pinion and gear setup.
> story short, I have to re calibrate the speedometer. Anybody have that
> before??? What is entailed??? Any suggestion would be greatly

I would think that you could replace the gear at the trans. That is, my
guess is that you could order a replacement gear for the TR6 OD and put
it on the OD you have. That might get you to a closer ratio to get the
speedo right.

Let us know what you end up doing to fix the issue! 

'74 TR6 

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