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Re: [TR] primer paint problems

Subject: Re: [TR] primer paint problems
From: Doug Mathews <>
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 21:57:21 -0400

I'm guessing that you put the primer on too thin.  Did you do a first 
very light coat, almost a dusting, then followed that up with another 
wet coat then a last wet coat?  When I did my truck (not a TR!) I did 
a light tack coat followed by 2 wet coats. I had different kinds of 
body filler (one with fiberglass where I wanted more strength and the 
other standard body filler). None of my filled areas showed outlines 
as you described as I remember.

You can always let the primer dry thoroughly as you have and paint a 
"test" section to see if its going to bleed through.  Or you can 
spray a sealer over the primer too. I'd ask my instructors at school 
for their opinion. too!

Good luck.


At 05:26 PM 5/1/2006, you wrote:
>i have never been really good or fast at body repair. but iv done a bunch of
>it over the years.
>so in the fall of 2004 i took a body class at the local community college.
>learned a lot of good stuff and i feel IM getting fairly good at it. 
>so IM kinda
>foxed at this problem.
>i have been working the rear of the car "B" pillar and back. took all the old
>paint off and back to bare metal. laid down thin layers of bondo (3M brand)
>as needed. flat it our with sanding block. used guide coat to show the low
>spots. added bondo to the low spots. repeat many times until guide 
>coat comes off
>all even. ever notice how the second application of bondo has a slightly
>different color from the first so that you can still see its outline 
>but cant feel
>it. and the guide coat says there is no low spot?
>so i put 2 coats of PPG primer on it. (DP40LF) all those 2nd applications to
>fill the low spots showed through like you just had drawn a line round em. i
>thought they were really feathered and perfect. i was so bummed out.
>so after 4 weeks i guide coat the primer and block it with a 8" long block
>sander. add a little more bondo (evercoat metal glaze) in a few spots. guide
>coat. block. oh so light bondo. feather it out. guide coat. block 
>sand. this time
>i know it is feathered out sooo nice. in some places the feathered bondo was
>so thin it was almost transparent. 2 coats of primer (NCP280)
>again...........same results!!!!!!!
>its as if the primer is almost too thin or too clear. always i put 2 coats of
>primer on.
>any ideas on what IM doing wrong? or is it always like this?
>is this not a problem? i have not never worked with this HVLP paint before.
>will the color coat hide it all? because it looks and feels great, other than
>looking like a topographical map.
>Frank Fisher
>58 TR3 TS41366L

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