I found this in a Japanese model car magazine--the Japan Historic Car
Tour--takes place next month. It starts in Yokohama( near Tokyo goes south
around Mt. Fuji and the runs north through the Japanese alps ( check out
the movie Initial D to see the roads-out later this year) to Nagano (
winter Olympics) and then back to Yokohama. The over night stays are at
famous Onzens ( hot spring spas with floating sake bottles) . entry fee is
only $2000. oh well I won't be going but what did catch my eye was the two
TR2 s on the drive. one with a hardtop and one with lemans colors- does
anyone know them?? check out the website --the pictures are in
english--just poke around to see all the pictures.
also try google if that doesn't work
Me I am going on the Iron Bottom tour tomorrow am --I'll figure out Flicker
and have pictures next week----the Iron Bottom leaves the Rose Bowl in
Pasadena and goes 1000 miles through central ( flooded) California-3 days
and noSUV s blocking the road.
stay tuned
Mike TR2inLA
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