The temp gauge on my T/R just barely reaches the 1st mark on the gauge (150
degrees), only rarely reaches the 185 with idle but not while driving, I have
a original deep reach radiator cap using 4 lbs capacity, I have a electric fan
==in front== of the radiator (never use it), Ken Gilanders 6 blade water pump,
original Smiths 156 degree sleeved thermostat, 50/50 anti freeze with
=="No-Roision"== rust preventive, I have a badge bar with 2 driving lights and
6 adges blocking the air flow, I have the air dams in place as original, my
car has never heated up and it is not cool in No. Virginia in the summer time,
my suggestions stop any over heating problems in a 4 cyc. is the correct
radiator cap 4 or 7 lbs, correct thermostat, =no-roision= rust preventive, up
graded water pump, adjust timing and valves and leave the @#$%$# alone, it
works better without the tinkerer always messing around. This is just how my
"3" operates, your results may vary (I seriously doubt it though), I have
never blocked off the by-pass and never will as I think it leads to a warpped
head. "FT"
=== This list supported in part by The Vintage Triumph Register