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Preparing to Remove TR3A Head - Update

Subject: Preparing to Remove TR3A Head - Update
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 08:11:39 EDT writes:

In  chasing down my "blowing smoke" situation, evidence suggests a blown   
gasket.  Accordingly, I'm preparing to remove the head for the  first  time.  
I could use any and all tips and BTDT  insights.  As it happens,  the engine 
was rebuilt by the PO  approximately 12K ago.

Many thanks to everyone for the very helpful guidance and responses.   I 
believe I'm sufficiently forewarned and forearmed.  Let's see if I can  forego 
of the pitfalls cited.
For those that asked about the symptoms, here they are:  billowing  white 
smoke from the exhaust that does not smell like burning oil, a shiny black  
plug from #4 cylinder that looked like oil when pulled but dried like  dirty 
water, compression that measured relatively even across all four  cylinders, 
black liquid drips and spray blown out the tailpipe that dried  like dirty 
water, loss of coolant with no apparent cooling system leaks.  
I'll report back what I find.  For now, off with its head!

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