>Henry Ford was positive ground until 1956 on all of his autos, way back in
>the 19 teens he stated the plugs fired much better and current flowed
>better, quite a few of my Henry Ford books states his theory on the plugs
>as the main reason for + ground. "FT"
I heard some'eres that Henry Ford used positive ground 'cuz Tom Edison told
him to. Don't know if'n it's true.
I'm like Randall; it doesn't make any difference, so pick one and stick with
In recip aircraft engines, the current in each plug flows in the opposite
direction as you go through the firing order. I.E. in the first plug to fire
the current flows from center electrode to ground electrode, the current
through the second plug to fire goes from ground electrode to center
electrode, etc., etc. That's why you don't put the plugs back in the same
cylinders after you service them. You put them in the next cylinder in the
firing order to equalize the wear on the electrodes.
So it doesn't matter to the plug either way.
If you want me to stop with the airplane analogies, just say so and I will.
John H.
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