Some random thoughts :
Have you verified that the fan starts running and stays running as the temp
gauge moves above center ?
How much above does it move ? A needle width or so is probably nothing to
about, it's just the thermostat opening farther.
>It moves into the upper part of the range.
Has the radiator been recently rodded out ? Tested for efficiency ?
>It was re-cored about two or three years ago, but I swear it worked better
prior to that.
Is there a shroud around the fan ? And is it reasonably well sealed to the
radiator core ?
> the shroud is temporarily removed.
What are you using for coolant ?
>I was using about a 50/50 mixture, but that has been deleted by various
leaks and fill-ups. Right now it's probably almost all water.
How much voltage is getting to the fan when the temp gauge is climbing ?
> the fan is currently running continuously as the temp sensor arrives
Are you sure your timing marks are accurate ? If the rubber in the damper
shifts, the marks will be wrong.
> should be, the damper just got back from Damper Dudes.
Don't know that any of this is your problem, just some things to think
Thanks Randall.