For a couple years I've thought about organizing a British car run here,
something like the California Melee or Blake's run. Now that gas prices
in the U.S. make paying for a tank of gas an almost British experience
too, maybe an economy run would be a timely event? I'll bet our cars
could still beat the mileage of that Lexus SUV hybrid..
I didn't find a lot of information online to draw on for rules. The
long-running South African Total rally is interesting, but I wouldn't
have a staff as large as theirs, and I found a pdf of a Corsa/Corvair
club that was pretty useful.
Does anyone here have stories from economy runs of the past? Suggestions
for approach, or stories of rule bending I should watch for? ;)
Steven Newell
Littleton, CO USA
'62 TR4 x 2