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RE: oil pressure gauge communication from block?

To: <>
Subject: RE: oil pressure gauge communication from block?
From: "Chris Buckley" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 16:10:36 +0300
Hi Curt,
I think the oil comes out around the stud. There should also be 2 copper
washers, 1 with a larger internal diameter which goes on the underside
of the banjo to allow the passage of oil, and the other on the outer
side, under the cap nut. Do you have all of the above? If so, perhaps
the stud is not fully screwed in?? 

Chris Buckley
Am I missing something entirely? Does oil come out AROUND the stud?  I'm
just going by the diagram in the moss catolog on the oil filters page to
figure this out, someone else dissasembled it long ago. 
Is there an easier way to tap into oil pressure? This is not a show car
so I'm not real worried about originality on something like this. 

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