> I think that was a HUGE mistake, Triumphest was/is/and always should
> be for Triumphs!! I have already spent close to $1000, 2 entries and
> 4 hotel, and while I was happy to run at the Triumphest Autocrosses,
> I personally Don't look forward to running with the "big boys",
While I tend to agree, Bill, I still think it's better than no autocross at all,
which is what was originally planned for this year's Triumphest. There was also
no autocross the last time it was in San Diego ... I assume for the much the
same reasons that TSCCSD has turned to SCCA to run this years event.
Note that it's not really "running with the big boys" ... as always, there will
be only one car on the track at a time and the competition is against the clock.
It's not clear from the announcement, but I assume there will be "Triumph only"
classes including a "Triumph only" FTD.
But it does sound like a faster, more open track, which I think should be fun.
I've heard lots of complaints in years past about how tight the courses are
(almost always because larger facilities are not available) ... I guess you
can't please all the people all the time !