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RE: Back-up hood release

To: "'Don Malling'" <>,
Subject: RE: Back-up hood release
From: "Bob Danielson" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 19:53:41 -0400
What's interesting about the one that Mark Marcy is selling is that it
appears to be the same one that was designed by Joe Cannon of the Georgia
Triumph Association. Joe shared this with people via their newsletter which
also had a diagram with all dimensions and parts needed. If you go to my
website and select "Emergency Hood Release" you'll find a link to GTA and
the newsletter with the instructions. It's big .pdf file that takes a while
to load. It cost me about $2.00 to make (I had most of the pieces on hand)
and Joe sells them for $9.00. This release works so smoothly and easily that
I haven't used the factory release since. I asked Moss Motors why they
didn't sell them and they felt they would have to buy the rights from Joe or
pay him a "royalty", as he designed it. Maybe Mark Marcy stuck a deal with
Joe if it's the same design. In any case it'll be one of the cheapest and
best improvements you can make to your car.

Bob Danielson
1975 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Don Malling
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:02 PM
To: Steinman, Bill
Subject: Re: Back-up hood release

Steinman, Bill wrote:

> Howdy all.  I've heard lots of horror stories about hood (bonnet) 
> release cables failing, and have seen a couple of auxiliary releases 
> on the market.  Do people recommend this?
> Also, I'm a big believer in installing a battery cut-off switch on old 
> cars.  Healey was nice enough to design one into the car.  On my 250, 
> there doesn't seem to be a lot of room to mound a quick-connect right 
> to the battery terminal.  Am I right about the clearance?  Does anyone 
> have a particularly good spot they use?
> Thanks!
> Bill S.
> 1968 TR250 CD8464L

I was going to make a hood release, but ended up buying one from Mark Macy. click on parts in the left nav bar

Don Malling

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