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TR4 Fan/Carb

To: <>
Subject: TR4 Fan/Carb
From: "Tim I. Purdy" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 14:54:42 -0700
Concerning improvements/modifications, I have been reading them, but have not
read them all yet, plus all the other great TR stuff that gets posted.
However, currently bogged with a major book project.  However, when I need a
break, I take the Triumph for about a fifteen mile drive, to restore my

Anyhow, in July when the weather in the mountains of Northeastern California
turned hot, temps in high 90s to low 100s (F).  I had to attend a computer
class in Reno, Nevada (85  miles).  The drive went smooth, until my first
stoplight in Reno.  At that light it kind of sputtered and at the rest of the
lights, when I came to a stop, it would just die.  I could get it going again,
until the next light and then it would die again. Arrived on time.  The TR
remained parked all day. When I left no problem until I made it back home
(Susanville) and at the first stop light, it died.

Anyhow, since then, replaced the plugs, since had not been done in a number of
years, cleaned air filters, adjust the idle, some minor cleaning of the carbs.

My question is, is my problem is it heat related?  This problem only occurs in
the summer, and what is the remedy, if so.  And if I need to do something for
a cooling fan, can someone give me instructions.

A million thanks  to all


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