Randall wrote:
>However, I would suggest that you buy an owner's manual for your car. It has
>lots of periodic service information that is harder to find (or even missing)
>from the shop manuals (especially the Haynes, which has several omissions and
>mistakes). Originals are occasionally listed on eBay for not too much money (I
>paid $10 for mine), or I believe there is a copy in the front of the Bentley
>reprint of the factory workshop manual (another good thing to have, although
>as easy to read as the original).
Moss Europe now carries the workshop manual, parts manual, and owners
manual on CD-ROM -- according to a bit in a recent Triumph World
magazine. I believe the price is 17GPB which is a great deal. I'd love
to see that offered here, Moss U.S. folks. ;)
Steven Newell
Littleton, CO USA
'62 TR4 x 2