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RE: por-15

To: <>
Subject: RE: por-15
From: "Tim Tucker" <>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 15:49:50 -0400
Have you considered RUSTBULLET?

I am looking for something to do the inside of the frame.  POR-15 looked
like it would require far more effort with no better results.  I plan on
using Marine Clean, or equivalent, and then 2x coats with rustbullet.  I
tested rustbullet on some gas 'blackpipe' that had been installed for
several years (you know how fast it rusts).  I applied the rustbullet right
over the rust (2 coats).  Looks the same today as it did the day I applied
it (over a year ago). FWIW.
Good Luck

>Looking for a collective opinion
>por-15 use on the chassis, with or without the recommended undercoat? Only
>prep work will be a power wire brushing.
>what about under the fenders? por or body color?
>58 TR3
>well into the restoration now, and feeling the muscle pain of it too!

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