> I laid my Perma-cool fan down on top of the radiator for the first time
> today, and now have a few questions. If you go to:
> http://ralittle2.com/latest_questions_or_issues.htm
> then you will see what I'm talking about. If anyone would like to forward a
> photo or two of their solution then please send them my way.
Ashford, the small holes through the shroud can also be used for mounting. I
mounted a similar fan to my Stag radiator that way. The ties look like copper
nails, but basically work the same as the larger plastic ones.
See Stock No. 16743 at
Sorry I can't offer a photo, I've already gone back to the stock setup. In my
case it actually works better, since there wasn't enough room behind the
radiator for the electric, and as a pusher it apparently blocked too much
Of course, having a radiator shop solder on tabs to mount the fan is an option,