----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Danielson" <75TR6@tr6.danielsonfamily.org>
To: "'Greg Gelhar'" <ggelhar@earthlink.net>; "'triumphs'"
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2005 6:32 AM
Subject: Clear Plastic & TR6 Top installation
> Only thing I'd add is: NEVER clean your windows with a Windex-like product
> that has Ammonia in it. Look for the ammonia free cleaners. Ammonia is
> "death" to clear plastic. I used an ammonia based cleaner on my brand new
> top windows a few years ago and almost cried when I saw that they were
> all
> cloudy again. The next product fixed my screw up. If your windows begin to
> look cloudy (and they will), use Blue Magic Plastic & Plexiglas Cleaner.
> It'll get rid of the cloudiness and make them shine again.
> Bob Danielson
> 1975 TR6
> http://tr6.danielsonfamily.org
Cut a terry cloth towel to the size of the back window and keep it in
the car. When folding the hood (top) down, lay the towel on the back window
prior to folding the quarter windows in. This will prevent any scratching of
your new windows with the hood (top) down.
Tim Hutchisen
71 TR6 (w/towel)
70 GT6+ (no towel needed)