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RE: Relevance of Post Replies (was 'Hydraulic shop in Santa

To: <>
Subject: RE: Relevance of Post Replies (was 'Hydraulic shop in Santa
From: "B Rolfes" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:14:16 -0500
Whoa, Guys!

I gotta say this is exactly why I have been in lurk mode for many years and
get involved very little in this list's goings ons.  In fact it is the reason
I don't usually go into the bar at the nat'l Triumph meets for entertainment.
Someone says something, someone else takes it wrong, and away they go to the

Anyhow, you all seem like a nice bunch.  I even know a few of you personally.
Lighten up will you?  All of ya!


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