Maybe you need a "star" socket. At least that's what we always called them.
Looks like a star. It
has 8 points I think so it fits a square post.
Don Malling
Mark Hooper wrote:
> It's the simple things that drive you mad...
> Somehow or when the side fill plug on my TR6's transmission got so tightly
> wedged it isn't real. I'm just trying to change the gearbox oil. Every wrench
> I've got just keeps slipping. Is there a special trick to this? A square
> wrench?
> I have a nice little hand oil pump with long pipes. "Ah ha!" thought I, "I
> shall just pump it up from below". Stuck the "Out" pipe from the pump in the
> transmission's drain and used paper towel to seal around it. Felt really
> smart. No luck, the gearbox isn't vented so all I do is pump the oil in until
> I have a nice head of air pressure in the transmission above the oil and only
> 1/10 the oil in. I wonder if I can loosen some bolt (reverse gear pivot seems
> accessible and make an air outlet.
> I'm going to have to pull the transmission cover if this can't move. I'd
> really rather avoid that for now.
> Do those rubber universal pan bolts (with the pull-over lever) work for the
> transmission filling hole? I do not want to have to do this again.
> Mark Hooper
> 1972 TR6 (with 1/4 litre of oil in the transmission)