----- Original Message -----
From: "fred thomas" <frede.thomas2@verizon.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2005 10:30 AM
Subject: VTR concours judging
No National Club including the "Antique Auto Club
> of America" will show the score sheet, they will send you a letter
> areas of deduction, but not the actual score, if you are tryting to
> a car to concours condition you should know what is and what is not
> after all it's your $$$$$$$ and your responsibility to know right from
> wrong.
And just pray tell how is the owner to know right from wrong? I really am
amazed that the score sheets are not returned to the owners. To refute your
"No National Club...will show the score sheet", I refer you to TRA's judging
guidelines books for the side screen and the 4 & 4A cars which states
"Judging Sheets - These consists of two sheets, a score sheet and a notes
page. These are what the judges will be provided by the TRA head judge
during Concours. The actual score is on the score sheet and any deductions
should be annotated on the notes page. These will be provided to the car
owner after awards are presented in order for them to improve their cars"
Lou Metelko
Auburn, Indiana