No, your body just bloats in the desert along with all the illegal
aliens that die trying to cross the border with too little water.
There was an article in the local paper recently saying that the
cemetery that was established to bury these unidentifiable "John Does"
was full and new corpses would now be cremated.
But on the upside, your Triumph won't rust and before you die, there are
many more days per year that you can drive it! :)
Joe C.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of T. S. White
Sent: Saturday, May 28, 2005 6:23 AM
To: Joe Curry
Cc: 'Joe Merone'; 'Triumph List'
Subject: Re: VTR enough already - it's Bob Danielson's fault
> Joe, You seriously need to move to Arizona! Remember, it's a "DRY"
> heat!
Yeah, your body doesn't rot after the heat kills you.
Best Regards,