Hi, I'm a first timer. Thanks for the great info you all put up. As well
as posting, I'm also asking for input. I've had 4 big Healeys in the past
and may become a "cross driver". I remember fondly cruising around in a
buddy's new 60 TR3 and at being, even to now, the best cornering machine
I've ever been in. I'm just now getting into a 58 tr3a I've had covered
too long.It is TS25482E. I drove it onto trailer to take it home so I'm
safe offering many of the parts that came with it. I need help w/realistic
prices as most extras are complete assemblies n/a at Moss etc. Not being
new to Brit cars, I know how to strip down parts and make good to use as
I've begun do do. I have a dash w/ gauges, distrib, head, steer col
w/gearbox,tranny etc. Exterior:doors forward. Lots of real goodies. Please
feel free to e-mail direct. I can respond w/pics in jpeg. I'm located 1
1/2 hr into the desert from LA. and can arrange shipping. Thanks a lot for
all your input since I joined list. It's been a copy-paste frenzy building
tips pages to go with my manuals. Cheers! ex Scotland resident of 12 yrs.
Ed Anderson eandy01@tcnmail.com